Hi, I am

Rakshit Arora,

and I love building cool stuff 🛠


I am a lifelong learner with experience in Full Stack Development and Automation. I am extremly passionate about writing code that has an impact and can bring ideas to life.

In addition to development, I enjoy playing LoL, travelling, watching anime, listening to music, reading fiction and helping communities and individuals.


Jul 2022 - Aug 2022


Translat3 is a community powered platform that can help you localize your product. Since it runs on Web3, translat3 has no global boundaries thus enabling native speakers to translate your projects accurately and at a cheaper rate.

Jun 2022

ILOS Token

ILOS is an ERC20 token that can be minted by Open Source project maintainers. The amount of token minted depends upon total stars earned by the user. Uses Next auth and GitHub API to authenticate and check the stars and Chainlink to validate the GitHub user

Jun 2022


Lend3r allows user to give Ethereum as collateral and get DINR as a loan. DINR is pegged close to INR thus it make it easier to utilise for Indian audience. Built using Next.js & Material UI, I have utilitzed Chainlink Oracle to fetch the latest Eth prices.

Nov 2021 - Dec 2021


A decentralized microblogging platform powered by Polygon. Allows users to write and share rich content on Polygon Network. Users are also allowed to tip MATICs to their favorite Kolumns. Built using Next.js and Solidity, Kolumn won prize pool bounty at BuidlIt 2021

Jun 2021 - Nov 2021

Kode Editor

An online code editor with ability to create and save multiple files. It also allows users to view output of their HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Built using MERN Stack, this was the first project in which I used Docker Containers.

Mar 2021 - Jun 2021

Kriti OS

Written completely in C, Kriti OS is a toy UNIX type 32 bit OS from scratch which includes a bootloader, kernel with drivers like video & sound and some basic functionality.

Nov 2020


A simple Social Media application built using the MEVN stack along with Tailwind CSS. Allows users of VIT to interact with each other by posting posts, upvoting, downvoting and commenting.

Oct 2020 - Nov 2020

Facemask Detection (Pytorch)

Built after completing my Deep Learning Specialization, this project aims to detect Facemask using cameras and microcontrollers. Built using Pytorch along with MobileNetv2 architecture and transfer learning.

August 2020

Insta DM Bot

A dead simple Instagram Bot with GUI that can be used to DM a list of users and can be used for Social Media Marketing. Built using Python, Selenium and Eel.

Jul 2020


A dummy Ebank with Authentication, fake transactions and a downloadable passbook. Built using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL, this project got me into Web Developement.

Jun 2020


My first buidl, a reasonably modest Python script that sends HTTP requests over the Tor proxy to generate fake traffic for your website.

Contact Me

I love connecting with different people and it would be awesome if we could get in touch :) You can find me on these platforms: